Here where Architecture is not enough
Thanks to digital communication channels and involving each and every business in our cultural activities we spread the culture of self-entrepreneurship “online”, providing reliable data on the audience of every sponsored project
Through Workshops, Seminars, and development opportunities we ignite the renovation of the businesses in our territory. We work closely with students, institutions, organizations and businesses to build a cultural spread that supports the economy.

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institutions involved
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Why choose us?
We work closely with institutions and local entities, to enable the perfect relation between public and private in the business and cultural development of our territory
With our business storytelling campaign and an accurate and precise digital communication, we want to build a strong network of entrepreneurs, directly involved in urban renovation and urban development projects.
With Workshops and seminars we wish to connect the new generations to the world of work, filling the gaps between Offer and Demand.
60PASSIAgri-food productsLadogana’s Family has been producing wine for 4 generations and represents one of the pioneer businesses in the production of certified organic wine's in Apulia; since 1996 Ladogana\’s Family cultivates grapes from their own vineyards. Agricola Ladogana Srl was found in 2006 with the main goal to protect the tradition and pass on the invaluable technical skills obtained through years and tyears of experience hard work and research in the Viticulture sector
SOLENERGY 2MRenewable energyFound in 2005 in Cerignola (FG), in Apulia, behind the idea of Engineer Matteo Sgarro and Geometer Matteo Cifaldi, Solenergy2m S.r.l. operates – thanks to a specialized team of professional engineers, technicians and installers - in the field of renewable/alternative energies, electrical and special systems, both for private and industrial use
INNOVAREIT servicesStartup “Innovare” has the purpose to guide users to the new digital era. “Innovare” offers diversified services: design, advisory, education, technical installation and support in the IT sector. Innovating means offering new products and services to help clients facilitating their day-to-day work
MASIELLO FOODAgri-food productsMasiello Food is based in the heart of “Tavoliere delle Puglie”; its productive structure stretches out for 13000 sqm – of which 1000 indoor and 2000 currently under expansion – with 3 productions lines and 230 quintals of processed products daily. Raw materials selection and their subsequent processing are the crown jewels of the company, and their multi-decennial family legacy
BAR ROMAPastry ProductsBar Roma is an institution in the handcrafted gelato since 1961; an on-going family legacy. Our handcrafted production it\’s a long-lasting love story for the territory and the raw materials valorisation. Tradition, Passion and Craftsmanship are the values that have inspired our delicious products for 50 years of history
UVULESCEHostariaFollowing the steps of the historic family delicatessen shop, Rosario Didonna gives birth to a slow-food temple in the heart of Cerignola (FG). Drawing the lesson from the 60 year experience of his family, Rosario bases the idea of his Hostaria on these simple principles: product selection and valorisation of the classic flavours of our region with a modern twist
BETONCIFALDIConstructions ProductBetoncifaldi srl is a family owned business which operates in the production and trade of prepackaged concretes in several plants in Foggia, BAT (Barletta Andria Trani) and in the Basilicata Region. Cifaldi’s Family establishes the company in the 1994 after purchasing the first concreting plant in the countryside of Cerignola (FG)
FMIMechanical SuppliesOur company operates has been operating for three genarations, since 1927, in the mechanical construction sector and structural steelwork. Since the beginning the company offered an advanced service to our client with the main focus of constantly improving quality, acquiring authority and credibility in the market. Thanks to our ecommerce, we sell hardware, tooling, DIY, gardening and technical items, for private and business application
FERAPPIScreen paintingFERAPPI Industria Serigrafica Srl is an italian company, based in Veneto, active for over 70 years in the industrial screen painting. Specifically the company operates in 3 sectors: RETAIL-PUBLISHING-INDUSTRY. FERAPPI handles complex campaigns, with different languages and texts, daily. With its high-standard technical creativity the company offers an array of services that is unmatched in Europe
ANTICA ENOTRIAAgrifood CompanyA few km away from the Manfredonian Gulf, we cultivate 12 hectares of biological vineyard since 1993. Cultivations method include: Apulian’s pergola for the oldest installations and spurred cordon for 10 year old installations. Vineyards selected are the Apulia natives one (nero di Troia, primitive e negroamaro) integrated with a variety of typical vineyards from the closest regions (aglianico and falanghina).
ARCHILABArchitect’s OfficeARCHILAB, an Architect’s Office from Arch. Francesco Clori, operates in the field of architectural design for public constructions - with experience in retail and housing - on the different levels of a project: architecture, urbanistic works, landscaping and interior design. The distinctive characteristics of our Office are: Quality of service, meeting deadlines and Budget management.
SAFARA’PubSafarà was opened on June 18th 2005. The pub borrows its name from a tallyman who appears in the famous Italian comic book Dylan Dog, created by Tiziano Sclavi. Safarà was born initially as an American bar, but after a renovation in the menu and style has now the distinctive traits of a Pub. Music selection is a key component of the Pub offering to its clients.
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Contact Us
Sede Legale - Via Rovereto 23, 71042, Cerignola (FG)
+ 39 3469548617
info.bordermind@gmail.com bordermind@pec.it